Quick Bites: Get your profile page in order

The Library of Science's knowledge series Quick Bites for Researchers, this week on the theme: the profile page in LUCRIS.
We will show you how to make the most of your profile page in LUCRIS. Everything from linking to your other profiles on ResearchGate, ORCID, or Scopus, ensuring your publications are captured by the automatic import, to adding a picture, description of your research and teaching, and how your research relates to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
As usual, Quick Bites is a casual, 15 minute lecture on things that can make your life as a researcher a little easier. It's up to you if you want to ask questions, stay after to chat, or just listen while eating your lunch.
The session will be held in English, and no registration is required.
See you in Zoom:
Do you have questions or want to know more? Contact us, and we can arrange additional sessions or offer a one-on-one meeting.
All Quick Bites sessions can be found here:
About the event
Target group:
Researchers and doctoral students
biblioteket [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se