Journals in Geology
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AAPG bulletin
Formerly known as: Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
Holdings: 58–100:6 (year 1974–2016), log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from AAPG bulletin. ISSN 0149-1423.
Acta geographica
Geografski zbornik
Continued as: Acta geographica Slovenica.
Read: Acta geologica Sinica online from 1996 to 2003 - ISSN 0373-4498.
Acta geographica Slovenica
Formerly known as: Acta geographica / Geografski zbornik.
Read: Acta geologica Sinica online from 2003 to present - ISSN 1581-6613.
Acta geologica Polonica
Holdings: 1–65 (year 1950–2015), gap: 62. ISSN 0001-5709.
Acta geologica Sinica (= Dìzhìxué bào)
Read: Acta geologica Sinica online from 1922 to present -
Holdings: 36–67 (year 1956–1993) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Acta geologica Sinica. ISSN 0001-5717.
Acta geologica Sinica (Beijing) (english ed.)
Read: Acta geologica Sinica online from 1922 to present -
Holdings: 7–9 (year 1994–1996), 71–88 (year 1997–2014), gap: 87:6, log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Acta geologica Sinica. ISSN 1000-9515.
Acta geologica Taiwanica
Holdings: 1–18 (year 1960–1975), 23–32 (year 1985–1996) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Acta geologica Taiwanica. ISSN 0065-1265.
Acta micropalaeontologica Sinica
Holdings: 2:3–5:1 (year 1985–1988) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Acta micropalaeontologica Sinica. ISSN 1000-0674.
Acta palaeobotanica
Read: Acta palaeobotanica online from 1960 to present, Supplement 1–6 -
Holdings: 1–55:2 (year 1960–2015) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Acta palaeobotanica. ISSN 0001-6594.
Acta palaeontologica Polonica
Read: Acta palaeontologica Polonica online from 1956 to present -
Holdings: 1–60:4 (year 1956–2015) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Acta palaeontologica Polonica. ISSN 0567-7920.
Agricultural and forest meteorology
Read: Agricultural and forest meteorology online from 1984 to present -
Holdings: 72–106 (year 1994–2001) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Agricultural and forest meteorology. ISSN 0168-1923.
Alcheringa (Sydney)
Read: Alcheringa online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 1–37 (year 1975–2013). ISSN 0311-5518.
Read: Ambio online from 2010 to present -
Read: Ambio online from 1972 to present (embargo 4 years) - ISSN 0044-7447.
American journal of science (1880)
Read: American journal of science online from 1860 to present -
Holdings: 19–307 (year 1880–2007) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from American journal of science. ISSN 0002-9599.
American journal of sicence. Radiocarbon supplement
Continued as: Radiocarbon.
Holdings: 1–2 (year 1959–1960) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from American journal of sicence. Radiocarbon supplement. ISSN 1061-592X.
American mineralogist
Read: American mineralogist online from 1860 to present -
Holdings: 53 to present (year 1916 to present). ISSN 0003-004X.
Annales academiae scientiarum Fennicae. Geologica / Geographica
Formerly known as: Annales Academiae scientiarum Fennicae. Series A. III, Geologica–geographica
Holdings: 159–170 (year 1998–2011). ISSN 1239-632X.
Annales academiae scientiarum Fennicae. Series A. III, Geologica–geographica
Continued as: Annales Academiae scientiarum Fennicae. Geologica / Geographica
Holdings: 1–158 (year 1941–1995) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Annales Academiae scientiarum Fennicae. Series A. III. ISSN 0066-197X.
Annals of glaciology
Read: Annals of glaciology online from 1980 to present -
Holdings: 1–47 (year 1980–2007) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Annals of glaciology. ISSN 0260-3055.
Annual bulletin on the climate in WMO region IV, Europe and Middle East
Holdings: 1995–1999 log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Annual bulletin on the climate in WMO region IV. ISSN 1438-7522.
Annual review of earth and planetary sciences
Read: Annual review of earth and planetary sciences online from 1973 to present -
Holdings: 27–30 (year 1999–2002) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Annual review of earth and planetary sciences. ISSN 0084-6597.
Antarctic science
Read: Antarctic science online from 1989 to present -
Holdings: 1–16 (year 1989–2004) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Antarctic science. ISSN 0954-1020.
Arctic (Calgary)
Read: Arctic online from 1948 to present -
Holdings: 4–58 (year 1951–2005) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Arctic. ISSN 0004-0843.
Atmospheric environment (1967)
Read: Atmospheric environment online 1967–1989 -
Holdings: 1–23 (year 1967–1989) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Atmospheric environment. ISSN 0004-6981.
Atmospheric environment (1994)
Read: Atmospheric environment online from 1994 to present (embargo 2 yrs) -
Holdings: 28–33 (year 1994–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Atmospheric environment. ISSN1352-2310.
Australian journal of earth sciences
Read: Australian journal of earth sciences online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 31–46 (year 1984–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Australian journal of earth sciences. ISSN 0812-0099.
Avhandling i geografi med naturgeografisk inriktning
Continued as: Dissertations from the Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology.
Formerly known as: Avhandlingsserie / Naturgeografiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet.
Holdings: 17–24 (year 2001–2002), gap: 21. ISSN 1650-4992.
Avhandlingsserie / Naturgeografiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet
Continued as: Avhandling i geografi med naturgeografisk inriktning.
Holdings: 1–16 (year 1994–2000). ISSN 1104-7208.
Baltica (Spausdinta)
Read: Baltica online from 2002 to present -
Holdings: 1 to present (year 1963 to present). ISSN 0067-3064.
Bebyggelsehistorisk tidskrift
Read: Bebyggelsehistorisk tidskrift online from 2005 to present -
Holdings: 1–70 (year 1981–2015). ISSN 0349-2834.
Beiträge zur mineralogie und petrographie
Continued as: Contributions to mineralogy and petrology.
Formerly known as: Heidelberger Beiträge zur Mineralogie und Petrographie.
Read: Beiträge zur Mineralogie und Petrographie online 1947–1965 -
Holdings: 6–11 (year 1957–1965) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Beiträge zur Mineralogie und Petrographie. ISSN 0366-1369.
Holdings: 1978/1984, 1988/1989, 1998, 2003– present.
Berichte der Deutschen mineralogischen gesellschaft
Formerly known as: Fortschritte der Mineralogie / Beiheft.
Holdings: 1–3 (year 1989–1991) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Berichte der Deutschen mineralogischen Gesellschaft. ISSN 0935-123X.
Beringeria (Würzburg)
Holdings: 1–38 (year 1989–2007). ISSN 0937-0242.
Bibliographie palynologie
Holdings: 1974–1987 log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Bibliographie palynologie. ISSN 0249-762X.
Read: Boreas online from 1972 to present -
Holdings: 1 to present (year 1972 to present). ISSN 0300-9483
Boundary–layer meteorology
Read: Boundary-layer meteorology online from 1970 to present -
Holdings: 82–93 (year 1997–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Boundary-layer meteorology. ISSN 0006-8314.
Bulletin / geological survey of Finland
Formerly known as: Bulletin de la Commission Géologique de Finlande.
Holdings: 250 to present (year 1971 to present) ISSN 0367-522X.
Bulletin / Grönlands geologiske undersögelse
Continued as: Geology of Greenland survey bulletin.
Holdings: 1–172 (year 1948–1996). ISSN 0375-6556.
Bulletin / Israel geological survey
Holdings: 12–8 (year 1957–2002). ISSN 0075-1200.
Bulletin / Norges geologiske undersökelse
Continued as: NGU Bulletin.
Formerly known as: Norges geologiske undersökelse.
Read some articles in: Bulletin / Norges Geologiske Undersökelse online 1984–2002 -
Holdings: 394–445 (year 1984–2005). ISSN 0332-5768.
Bulletin de la Société géologique de France
Read:Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France online 2018 to present -
Holdings: 1846–1958 ; 1959–1993 log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France. ISSN 0037-9409.
Bulletin de minéralogie
Continued as: European journal of mineralogy.
Read: Bulletin de minéralogie online 1978–1988 -
Holdings: 101–11 (year 1978–1988) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Bulletin de minéralogie. ISSN 0180-921.
Bulletin of glacier research
Continued as: Bulletin of Glaciological Research.
Read: Bulletin of glacier research online 1973–2009 -
Holdings: 4–13 (year 1987–1995) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Bulletin of glacier research. ISSN 0913-4190.
Bulletin of glaciological research
Formerly known as: Bulletin of glacier research.
Read: Bulletin of Glaciological Research online from 2010 to present -
Bulletin of the American association of petroleum geologists
Continued as: AAPG bulletin.
Holdings: 8–57 (year 1924–1973) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. ISSN 0002-7464.
Bulletin of the American meteorological society
Read: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 74–87 (year 1993–2006):1–4, 6–12 log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. ISSN 0003-0007.
Bulletin of the British museum (natural history). Geology series
Continued as: Bulletin of the Natural history museum. Geology series.
Holdings: 1–48 (year 1949–1992). ISSN 0007-1471.
Bulletin of the Geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala
Holdings: 1–43 (year 1993–1967), N.S. 1–11 (year 1969–1985). ISSN 0302-2749.
Bulletin of the Geological society of America
Continued as: Geological Society of America bulletin.
Read: Bulletin of the Geological Society of America online 1890–1961 -
Holdings: 25–72:1 (year 1914–1961) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. ISSN 1050-9747.
Bulletin of the Geological society of Denmark
Formerly known as: Meddelelser fra Dansk Geologisk Forening.
Read: Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark online from 1894 to present -
Holdings: 20–58 (year 1970–2010). ISSN 0011-6297.
Bulletin of the Geological society of Finland
Read: Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland online from 2006 to present -
Holdings: 40 to present (year 1968 to present). ISSN 0367-5211.
Bulletin of the Natural history museum. Geology series
Continued as: Journal of systematic palaeontology.
Formerly known as: Bulletin of the British museum (Natural history). Geology series.
Holdings: 40–98 (year 1993–2002). ISSN 0968-0462,
Bulletin of the Research council of Israel, Section G: geo–sciences
Continued as: Israel journal of earth–sciences.
Holdings: 7–11 (1958–1963) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel. ISSN 0366-2802.
Bulletin of volcanology
Formerly known as: Bulletin volcanologique.
Read: Bulletin of volcanology online from 1937 to present -
Holdings: 58–61 (year 1996–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Bulletin of volcanology ISSN 0258-8900.
Canadian journal of earth sciences
Read: Canadian journal of earth sciences online from 1964 to present -
Holdings: 1–44 (year 1964–2007) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Canadian journal of earth sciences. ISSN 0008-4077.
Cartographic journal
Read: Cartographic journal online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 23–55 (year 1986–2018). ISSN 0008-7041.
Cartography and geographic information science
Formerly known as: Cartography and geographic information systems.
Read: Cartography and geographic information science online from 1999 to present -
Holdings: 26–34 (year 1999–2007). ISSN 1523-0406.
Cartography and geographic information systems
Continued as: Cartography and geographic information science.
Read: Cartography and geographic information systems online from 191990 to 1998 -
Holdings: 17–25 (year 1990–1998). ISSN 1050-9844.
Casopis pro mineralogii a geologii
Holdings: 7–25 (year 1962–1980) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Casopis pro mineralogii a geologii. ISSN 0008-7378.
Catena (Cremlingen)
Read: Catena online from 1973 to present - sciencedirect,com.
Holdings: 21–37 (year 1994–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Catena. ISSN 0341-8162
Chalmers tekniska högskola, Göteborgs universitet, Geologiska institutionen. A
Continued as: Publ. / Chalmers tekniska högskola, Geologiska institutionen. A.
Holdings: 1–76 (year 1971–1994) (closed stack). ISSN 0348-2367
Chemical geology
Read: Chemical geology online from 1966 to present -
Holdings: 119–181 (year 1995–2001) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Chemical geology. ISSN 0009-2541.
Climate dynamics
Read: Climate dynamics online from 1986 to present -
Holdings: 13–15 (year 1997–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Climate dynamics. ISSN 0930-7575.
Climate research
Read: Climate research online from 1990 to present -
Holdings: 10–78 (year 1998–2019), gap: 12:3, log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Climate research. ISSN 0936-577X.
Climate system monitoring
Holdings: 1988–1997 log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Climate System Monitoring. ISSN 1010-917X.
Climatic change
Read: Climatic change online from 1977 to present -
Holdings: 35–43 (year 1997–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Climatic change. ISSN 0165-0009.
Contributions to mineralogy and petrology
Formerly known as: Beiträge zur Mineralogie und Petrographie.
Read: Contributions to mineralogy and petrology online from 1966 to present -
Holdings: 126–137 (year 1996–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Contributions to mineralogy and petrology. ISSN 0010-7999.
Cretaceous research
Read:Cretaceous research online from 1980 to present -
Holdings: 16–19 (year 1995–1998) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Cretaceous research. ISSN 0195-6671.
Danmarks geologiske undersøgelse. Raekke 1
Holdings: 3,5,7,9,10,12,15,16 (year 1899–1925). ISSN 0366-9122.
Danmarks geologiske undersøgelse. Raekke 2
Holdings: 1–100 (year 1890–1973). ISSN 0366-9130.
Danmarks geologiske undersøgelse. Raekke 3
Holdings: 1–46 (year 1896–1977). ISSN 0366-9149.
Danmarks geologiske undersøgelse. Raekke 4
Holdings: 1–4 (year 1915–1970). ISSN 0366-9157.
Danmarks geologiske undersøgelse. Raekke 5
Holdings: 1–7 (year 1916–1973). ISSN 0366-9165.
Danmarks geologiske undersøgelse. Serie A
Continued as: DGU. Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse. Serie A.
Holdings: 1–4 (year 1976–1977). ISSN 0105-6980.
Danmarks geologiske undersøgelse. Serie B
Continued as: DGU. Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse. Serie B.
Holdings: 1–8 (year 1977–1982). ISSN 0105-7197.
Demographic yearbook / United Nations
Read: Demographic yearbook online from 1948 to present -
Dendrochronologia (Verona)
Read: Dendrochronologia online from 2002 to present -
Holdings: 1–26 (year 1983–2008). ISSN 1125-7865.
Desertification control bulletin (1984)
Formerly known as: Desertification control.
Holdings: 14–36 (year 1987–2000) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Desertification control bulletin. ISSN 1014-9694.
Deutsche hydrographische zeitschrift
Continued as: Ocean Dynamics.
Read: Deutsche hydrographische Zeitschrift online 1948–2000 -
Holdings: 49–51 (year 1997–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Deutsche hydrographische Zeitschrift. ISSN 0012-0308.
DGU, Danmarks geologiske undersøgelse. Serie A
Continued as: Geology of Denmark survey bulletin.
Formerly known as: Danmarks geologiske undersøgelse. Serie A.
Holdings: 6–35 (year 1985–1995). ISSN 0901-0270.
DGU, Danmarks geologiske undersøgelse. Serie B
Continued as: Geology of Denmark survey bulletin.
Formerly known as: Danmarks geologiske undersøgelse. Serie B.
Holdings: 9–16 (year 1986–1991). ISSN 0901-0289.
DGU, Danmarks geologiske undersøgelse. Kortserie
Holdings: 14,33,34,39,41,43 (year 1995–1995). ISSN 0901-9405.
DGU, Series C
Holdings: 1–13 (year 1984–1995). ISSN 0900-6362.
DGU, Series D
Holdings: 1–8 (year 1984–1991). ISSN 0900-6257.
Diatom research
Read: Diatom research online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 1–28 (year 1986–2013). ISSN 0269-249X.
Dissertations from the Department of physical geography
Formerly known as: Dissertations from the Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology.
Holdings: 47–74 (year 2015–2018), N.S. 1 (year 2019–present). ISSN 2003-2358.
Dissertations from the Department of physical geography and quaternary geology
Continued as: Dissertations from the Department of Physical Geography
Holdings: 1–46 (year 2006–2014). ISSN 1653-7211.
Earth and planetary science letters
Read: Earth and planetary science letters online from 1966 to present -
Holdings: 129–194 (year 1995–2001) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Earth and planetary science letters. ISSN 0012-821X.
Earth sciences centre, Göteborg university. A
Holdings: 1–119 (year 1995–2008). ISSN 1400-3813.
Earth sciences history
Holdings: 1–12 (year 1982–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0736-623X.
Earth surface processes
Continued as: Earth surface processes and landforms.
Holdings: 2–5 (year 1977–1980) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Earth surface processes. ISSN 0360-1269.
Earth surface processes and landforms
Formerly known as: Earth surface processes.
Read: Earth surface processes and landforms online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 6–30 (year 1981–2005) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Earth surface processes and landforms. ISSN 0197-9337.
Earth-science review
Read: Earth-science review online from 1966 to present -
Holdings: 38–56 (year 1995–2001) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Earth-science review. ISSN 0012-8252.
Economic geology and the Bulletin of the society of economic geologists
Holdings: 53–94 (year 1958–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Economic geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists. ISSN 0361-0128.
Eiszeitalter und gegenwart: quaternary science journal
Read: Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart online from 1951 to present -
Holdings: 1 to present (year 1951 to present. ISSN 0424-7116.
Elements (Washington)
Read: Elements online from 2005 to present -
Holdings: 1 to present (year 2005 to present). ISSN 1811-5209.
Environment: science and policy for sustainable development
Read: Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development online from 1997 to present - ISSN 1939-9154.
Episodes. Journal of international geoscience
Read: Episodes online from 1978 to present -
Holdings: 1 to present (year 1978 to present). ISSN 0705-3797.
Erdkunde. Archiv für wissenschaftliche geographie
Holdings: 1–59 (year 1947–2005) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Erdkunde. Archiv für Wissenschaftliche Geographie. ISSN 0014-0015.
Estonian journal of earth sciences
Formerly known as: Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology.
Read: Estonian journal of earth sciences online from 2001 to present -
Holdings: 56 to present (year 2007 to present). ISSN 1736-4728.
European journal of mineralogy
Formerly known as: Bulletin de minéralogie och Fortschritte der Mineralogie.
Holdings: 1–16 (year 1989–2004) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from European journal of mineralogy. ISSN 0935-1221.
Read: Facies online from 1979 to present -
Holdings: 36–45 (year 1997–2001); 48–50 (year 2003–2005) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Facies. ISSN 0172-9179.
Finnish marine research
Formerly known as: Havsforskningsinstitutets skrift.
Holdings: 244–265 (year 1978–1996) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Finnish marine research. ISSN 0357-1076.
Flora slodkowodna Polski
Holdings: 1–7, 10–12A, 13–14, 16–17 (year 1963–1971). ISSN 0071-5840.
Forskning och framsteg
Holdings: 1 to present (year 1966 to present). ISSN 0015-7937.
Forskningsrapport / Department of physical geography, Stockholms universitet
Continued as: Rapporter från Institutionen för naturgeografi och kvartärgeologi.
Formerly known as: Forskningsrapport / Naturgeografiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet / STOU–NG.
Holdings: 105–111 (year 1998–2000) (closed stack). ISSN 1403-9788.
Forskningsrapport / Naturgeografiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet / STOU–NG
Continued as: Forskningsrapport / Department of Physical Geography, Stockholms universitet.
Holdings: 1–104 (year 1968–1997) (closed stack). ISSN 0346-7406.
Fortschritte der mineralogi
Continued as: European journal of mineralogy.
Formerly known as: Fortschritte der Mineralogie, Kristallographie und Petrographie.
Holdings: 26–66 (year 1947–1988) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Fortschritte der Mineralogi. ISSN 0015-8186.
Fortschritte der mineralogie, kristallographie und petrographie
Continued as: Fortschritte der Mineralogie.
Holdings: 1–25 (year 1911–1941) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Fortschritte der Mineralogie, Kristallographie und Petrographie. ISSN 0367-2654.
Fortschritte der mineralogie. Beiheft
Continued as: Berichte der Deutschen mineralogischen Gesellschaft.
Holdings: 47–66 (year 1969–1988) (closed stack). ISSN 0375-8931,
Fortschritte in der geologie von rheinland und westfale
Holdings: 1–23 (year 1958–1973) (closed stack). ISSN 0071-8009.
Fossil record
Formerly known as: Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin. Geowissenschaftliche Reihe.
Read: Fossil Record online 2005–2013 -
Fossils and strata
Read: Fossils and strata online from 2013 to 2019 -
Read: Fossils and strata online from 1972 to 2001 -
Holdings: 1 to present (year 1972 to present). ISSN 0300-9491.
Géo chronique
Holdings: 1–75 (year 1982–2000) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Géo chronique. ISSN 0292-8477.
Geochemistry international
Read: Geochemistry international online from 2006 to present -
Holdings: 1–30 (year 1964–1993) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Geochemistry international. ISSN 0016-7029.
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta
Read: Geochimica et cosmochimica acta online from 1950 to present -
Holdings: 59–64 (year 1995–2000) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Geochimica et cosmochimica acta. ISSN 0016-7037.
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta. Supplement
Holdings: Supplement 1, 1–3 (year 1970) (closed stack). ISSN 0046-564X.
Geodynamics series
Holdings: 1–20 (year 1980–1987) (closed stack). ISSN 0277-6669.
Geografiska annaler
Continued as: Geografiska annaler. Series A resp. B.
Read: Geografiska annaler online 1919–1964 -
Holdings: 1–46 (year 1919–1964) (closed stack). ISSN 2001-4422.
Geografiska annaler. Series A, Physical geography
Formerly known as: Geografiska annaler.
Read: Geografiska annaler. Series A online from 1965 to present -
Holdings: 47 to present (year 1965 to present) (closed stack). ISSN 0435-3676.
Geografiska annaler. Series B, Human geography
Formerly known as: Geografiska annaler.
Read: Geografiska annaler. Series B online from 1965 to present -
Géographie physique et quaternaire
Read: Géographie physique et quaternaire online 1977–2007 -
Holdings: 35–58:1 (year 1981–2004) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Géographie physique et quaternaire. ISSN 0705-7199.
Read: GeoJournal online from 1977 to present - springer .com.
Holdings: 41–52 (year 1997–2000) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from GeoJournal. ISSN 0343-2521.
Geokemiska kartan
Holdings: 1 to present (year 1999 to present). ISSN 1404-3157.
Geolines (Praha)
Holdings: 4–21 (year 1996–2006) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Geolines. ISSN 1210-9606.
Geologica et palaeontologica
Holdings: 1–43 (year 1967–2010) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Geologica et palaeontologica. ISSN 0072-1018.
Geological correlation
Holdings: 1–17 (year 1973–1989) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Geological correlation. ISSN 0302-069X.
Geological journal
Formerly known as: Liverpool and Manchester geological journal.
Read: Geological journal online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 4–42 (year 1964–2007). ISSN 0072-1050.
Geological journal. Special issues
Holdings: 1–12 (year 1965–1987). ISSN 0435-3951.
Geological magazine
Read: Geological magazine online from 1864 to present -
Holdings: 1–137 (year 1864–2000). ISSN 0016-7568
Geological newsletter
Continued as: Episodes.
Holdings: 1967–1977. ISSN 0047-1267.
Geological society of America bulletin
Formerly known as: Bulletin of the Geological Society of America.
Read: Geological Society of America bulletin online from 1961 to present -
Holdings: 72:2–119 (year 1961–2007) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Geological Society of America bulletin. ISSN 0016-7606.
Geological survey of Denmark and Greenland bulletin
Preceding titles: Geology of Denmark survey bulletin and Geology of Greenland survey bulletin.
Read: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland bulletin online from 2003 to present -
Holdings: 1 to present (year 2003 to present). ISSN 1604-8156.
Geological survey of Denmark and Greenland map series
Read: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland map series online from 2004 to present -
Holdings: 1 to present (year 2004 to present). ISSN 1604-9780.
Geological survey of Finland. Special paper
Holdings: 1 to present (year 1987 to present). ISSN 0782-8535.
Géologie alpine (Grenoble)
Formerly known as: Travaux du Laboratoire de géologie de la Faculté des Sciences de Grenoble.
Read: Géologie alpine online 1966–2001 -
Holdings: 42–69 (year 1966–1993) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Géologie alpine. ISSN 0367-3685. ISSN 0367-3685.
Geologische blätter für Nordost–Bayern und angrenzende gebiete
Holdings: 1–43 (year 1951–1993) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Geologische Blätter für Nordost–Bayern und angrenzende Gebiete. ISSN 0016-7797.
Geologische rundschau
Continued as: International journal of earth sciences.
Read: Geologische Rundschau online 1910–1998 -
Holdings: 86–87 (year 1997–1998) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Geologische Rundschau. ISSN 0016-7835.
Geologisches jahrbuch. Reihe A, allgemeine und regionale geologie BR Deutschland und nachbargebiete, tektonik, stratigraphie, paläontologie
Holdings: 1–163 (year 1972–2016), gap: 161. ISSN 0341-6399.
Geologisches jahrbuch. Reihe B, regionale geologie ausland
Holdings: 1–84 (year 1972–1994) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe B. ISSN 0341-6402.
Geologisches jahrbuch. Reihe D, mineralogie, petrographie, geochemie, lagerstättenkunde
Holdings: 1–111 (year 1972–2003). ISSN 0341-6429.
Geologisch–paläontologische mitteilungen Innsbruck
Holdings: 2–19 (year 1972–1993/94) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Geologisch–Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck. ISSN 0378-6870.
Geologisk tidsskrift
Read: Geologisk tidsskrift from 1995 to present -
Holdings: 1995–2008. ISSN 1395-0150.
Geologiska föreningens i Stockholm förhandlingar
Continued as: GFF.
Read: Geologiska föreningens i Stockholm förhandlingar online 1872 to 1994 -
Holdings: 1–115 (year 1872–1993). ISSN 0016-786X.
Geologiskt forum
Holdings: 1 to present (year 1994 to present). ISSN 1104-4721.
Geology (Boulder)
Read: Geology online from 1973 to present -
Holdings: 2 to present (year 1974 to present). ISSN 0091-7613.
Geology of Denmark survey bulletin
Continued as: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland bulletin.
Formerly known as: DGU. Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse. Serie A resp. B.
Holdings: 36–37 (1998–2001) (closed stack). ISSN 1397-1891.
Geology of Greenland survey bulletin
Continued as: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland bulletin.
Formerly known as: Bulletin / Grønlands geologiske undersøgelse resp. Rapport / Grønlands Geologiske
Undersøgelse (1964).
Holdings: 36–37 (year 1998–2001) (closed stack). ISSN 1397-1905.
Read: Geomorphology online from 1987 to present -
Holdings: 12–41 (year 1995–2001) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Geomorphology. ISSN 0169-555X.
Read: Geophysica online from 1935 to present -
Holdings: 1–41 (year 1935–2005) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Geophysica. ISSN 0367-4231.
Geophysical research letters
Read: Geophysical research letters online from 1974 tp present -
Holdings: 1(1974)–26(1999), 30(2003)–32(2005). ISSN 0094-8276.
Geo–öko (Bensheim)
Formerly known as: Geoökodynamik (Bensheim).
Holdings: 21–26 (year 2000–2005) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Geo–öko. ISSN 1616-0983.
Geoökodynamik (Bensheim)
Continued as: Geo–öko (Bensheim).
Holdings: 1–20 (year 1980–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Geoökodynamik. ISSN 0720-454X.
Formerly known as: Geologiska föreningens i Stockholm förhandlingar.
Read: GFF online from 1994 to present -
Holdings: 116 to present (year 1994 to present). ISSN 1103-5897.
Giornale di geologia
Holdings: 26–56 (year 1957–1994) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Giornale di geologia. ISSN 0017-0291
Global and planetary change
Read: Global and planetary change online from 1989 to present -
Holdings: 10–20 (year 1995–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Global and planetary change. ISSN 0921-8181.
Global biogeochemical cycles
Read: Global biogeochemical cycles online from 1987 to present -
Holdings: 4–13 (year 1990–1999), 15–19 (2001–2005). ISSN 0886-6236.
Global environmental outlook
Holdings: 2–5 (year 1999–2012). ISSN 0886-6236.
Global tectonics and metallogeny
Holdings: 1–8 (year 1978–2003) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Global tectonics and metallogeny. ISSN 0163-3171.
Gorjucie slancy
Continued as: Oil shale.
Holdings: 1–11 (year 1984–1994) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Gorjucie slancy. ISSN 0208-189X.
Formerly known as: Grana palynologica.
Read: Grana online from 1970 to present - ISSN 0017-3134
Grana palynologica
Continued as: Grana.
Read: Grana palynologica online 1958–1969 -
Holdings: 1–9 (year 1954–1969). ISSN 0374-793X.
Grundvandsovervågning (København)
Holdings: 1992–2004. ISSN 1395-248X.
Gråsteinen (Trondheim)
Formerly known as: Skrifter / Norges geologiske undersögelse.
Holdings: 1–14 (year 1996–2011). ISSN 0807-4801.
GSA today
Read: GSA today online from 1991 to present -
Holdings: 13:7–25 (year 2003–2015), gaps. ISSN 1052-5173.
GUNI rapport
Holdings: 1–36 (year 1972–1994) (closed stack). ISSN 0346-850X.
Hallesches jahrbuch für geowissenschaften
Continued as: Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften. Reihe A resp. B.
Holdings: 1–16 (year 1977–1994) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften.ISSN 0138-3647.
Hallesches jahrbuch für geowissenschaften (2006)
Formerly known as: Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften. Reihe A resp. B.
Holdings: 28 (year 2006). ISSN 1432-3702.
Hallesches jahrbuch für geowissenschaften (2006). Beiheft
Formerly known as: Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften. Reihe B. Beiheft.
Holdings: 22–23 (year 2006–2007). ISSN 1432-3702.
Hallesches jahrbuch für geowissenschaften. Reihe A
Continued as: Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften (2006).
Formerly known as: Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften.
Holdings: 17–26 (year 1995–2004) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften. Reihe A. ISSN 1432-3699.
Hallesches jahrbuch für geowissenschaften. Reihe B
Continued as: Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften (2006).
Formerly known as: Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften.
Holdings: 17–27 (year 1995–2005) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften. Reihe B. ISSN 1432-3702.
Hallesches jahrbuch für geowissenschaften. Reihe B. Beiheft
Continued as: Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften (2006). Beiheft.
Holdings: 1–21 (year 1996–2005) (closed stack).
Havsforskningsinstitutets skrift
Continued as: Finnish marine research.
Holdings: 1–243 (year 1920–1978) (closed stack). ISSN 0025-9985.
Hercynia (Halle)
Read: Hercynia online from 1963 to present -
Holdings: N.F. 1 to present (year 1963/64 to present) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Hercynia. ISSN 0018-0637.
Historical biology
Read: Historical biology online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 1–16 (year 1988–2004) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Historical biology. ISSN 0891-2963
Holocene (Sevenoaks)
Read: Holocene online from 1991 to present -
Holdings: 9–17 (year 1999–2007) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Holocene. ISSN 0959-6836
Human development report
Read: Human development report online from 1990 to present -
Holdings: 1990–2016 (closed stack). ISSN 0969-4501.
Read: Ichnos online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 1–3 (year 1990–1995) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Ichnos. ISSN 1042-0940.
Initial reports of the deep sea drilling project
Continued as: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. Part A, Initial Report. Beiheft.
Holdings: 47–96 (year 1979–1986) (closed stack). ISSN 0080-8334.
International journal of climatology
Formerly known as: Journal of climatology.
Read: International journal of climatology online from 1996 to present - wiley.
Holdings: 9–20 (year 1989–2000) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles fromInternational journal of climatology. ISSN 0899-8418.
International journal of earth sciences
Formerly known as: Geologische Rundschau.
Read: International journal of earth sciences online from 1999 to present -
Holdings: 88 (year 1999/2000) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from International journal of earth sciences. ISSN 1437-3254
International journal of geographical information science
Formerly known as: International journal of geographical information systems.
Read: International journal of geographical information science online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 16–19 (year 2002–2005) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from International journal of geographical information science. ISSN 1365-8816.
International journal of geographical information systems
Continued as: International journal of geographical information science.
Holdings: 1–8 (year 1987–1994) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from International journal of geographical information systems. ISSN 0269-3798.
International journal of remote sensing
Continued as: International journal of geographical information science.
Read: International journal of remote sensing online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 1–22 (year 1980–2013). ISSN 0143-1161
International yearbook of environmental and resource economics
Continued as: International review of environmental and resource economics.
Holdings: 1997/1998–2003/2004, 2005/2006–2006/2007. ISSN 1460-7352.
Irish journal of earth sciences
Formerly known as: Journal of earth sciences (Dublin).
Holdings: 6–11 (year 1984–1992) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Irish journal of earth sciences. ISSN 0790-1763.
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing
Read: ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing online from 1989 to present -
Holdings: 50–56:3 (year 1995–2002) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing. ISSN 0924-2716.
Israel journal of earth–sciences
Formerly known as: Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, Section G: Geo–Sciences.
Read: Israel journal of earth–sciences online from 2000 to present -
Holdings: 12–47:2 (year 1963–1998) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Israel journal of earth–sciences. ISSN 0021-2164.
ITC journal
Holdings: 1973–1988 log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from ITC journal. ISSN 0303-2434.
Jahrbuch der geologischen bundesanstalt
Holdings: 101–141 (year 1958–1998) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt. ISSN 0016-7800.
Jahrbuch der geologischen bundesanstalt. Sonderband
Holdings: 5–16 (year 1960–2010) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles fromJahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt. Sonderband. ISSN 0373-1251.
Journal of applied meteorology (1962)
Continued as: Journal of climate and applied meteorology.
Read: Journal of applied meteorology online 1962–1982 -
Holdings: 1–13 (year 1962–1974) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of applied meteorology. ISSN 0021-8952.
Journal of applied meteorology (1988)
Continued as: Journal of applied meteorology and climatology.
Formerly known as: Journal of climate and applied meteorology.
Read: Journal of applied meteorology (1988) online 1988–2005 -
Holdings: 27–44 (year 1988–2005) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of applied meteorology (1988). ISSN 0894-8763.
Journal of applied meteorology and climatology
Formerly known as: Journal of applied meteorology (1988).
Read: Journal of applied meteorology and climatology online from 2006 to present -
Holdings: 45–54 (year 2006–2015). ISSN 1558-8424.
Journal of arid environments
Read: Journal of arid environments online from 1978 to present -
Holdings: 1–49 (year 1978–2001). ISSN 0140-1963.
Journal of climate
Formerly known as: Journal of climate and applied meteorology.
Read: Journal of climate online from 1988 to present -
Holdings: 1–31 (year 1988–2018). ISSN 0894-8755
Journal of climate and applied meteorology
Continued as: Journal of applied meteorology (1988) and Journal of Climate.
Formerly known as: Journal of applied meteorology.
Read: Journal of climate and applied meteorology online 1983–1987 -
Holdings: 22–26 (year 1983–1987) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of climate and applied meteorology. ISSN 0733-3021.
Journal of climatology
Continued as: International journal of climatology.
Holdings: 1–8 (year 1981–1988) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of climatology. ISSN 0196-1748.
Journal of earth sciences
Continued as: Irish journal of earth sciences.
Holdings: 1–5 (year 1978–1983) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of earth sciences. ISSN 0332-1851.
Journal of geochemical exploration
Read: Journal of geochemical exploration online from 1972 to present
Holdings: 52–67 (year 1995–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of geochemical exploration. ISSN 0375-6742.
Journal of geodynamics
Read: Journal of geodynamics online from 1984 to present -
Holdings: 19–30 (year 1995–2000) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of geodynamics. ISSN 0264-3707.
Journal of geology
Read: Journal of geology online from 1893 to present -
Holdings: 1–108:2 (year 1892–1999), 115 to present (year 2007 to present). ISSN 0022-1376.
Journal of geophysical research. Section A: Space physics
Read: Journal of geophysical research. Section A online from 1978 to present -
Holdings: 83–104 (year 1978–1999). ISSN 0148-0227
Journal of geophysical research. Section B: Solid earth
Read: Journal of geophysical research. Section B online from 1978 to present -
Holdings: 83–104 (year 1978–1999). ISSN 0196-6936.
Journal of geophysical research. Section C: Oceans
Read: Journal of geophysical research. Section C online from 1978 to present -
Holdings: 83–104 (year 1978–1999). ISSN 0196-2256.
Journal of geophysical research. Section D: Atmospheres
Read: Journal of geophysical research. Section D online from 1984 to present -
Holdings: 89–104 (year 1984–1999); 108–110 (year 2003–2005). ISSN 0747-7309.
Journal of geophysical research. Section E: Planets
Read: Journal of geophysical research. Section E online from 1991 to present -
Holdings: 97–104 (year 1992–1999). ISSN 0747-7309.
Journal of geoscience education
Read: Journal of geoscience education online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 44–47 (year 1996–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of geoscience education. ISSN 1089-9995.
Journal of glaciology
Read: Journal of glaciology online from 1947 to present -
Holdings: 1 to present (year 1947 to present). ISSN 0022-1430
Journal of metamorphic geology
Read: Journal of metamorphic geology online from 1983 to present -
Holdings: 15–22 (year 1997–2004) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of metamorphic geology. ISSN 0263-4929.
Journal of micropalaeontology
Read: Journal of micropalaeontology online from 2018 to present -
Holdings: 8–34 (year 1989–2015), gap: 26. ISSN 0262-821X.
Journal of paleolimnology
Read: Journal of paleolimnology online from 1988 to present -
Holdings: 17–28 (year 1997–2002) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of paleolimnology. ISSN 0921-2728.
Journal of paleontology
Read: Journal of paleontology online from 2000 to present -
Read: Journal of paleontology online from 1927 to present (embargo 5 years) -
Holdings: 1 to present (year 1927 to present). ISSN 0022-3360.
Journal of petrology
Read: Journal of petrology online from 1960 to present -
Holdings: 37–43 (year 1996–2002) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of petrology. ISSN 0022-3530.
Journal of science of the Hiroshima university. Series C, Geology and mineralogy
Holdings: 1–10 (year 1953–1996) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of science of the Hiroshima University. Series C. ISSN 0075-4374.
Journal of sedimentary petrology
Continued as: Journal of sedimentary research. Section A, resp. B.
Read: Journal of sedimentary petrology online 1931–1993 -
Holdings: 1–63 (year 1931–1993) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of sedimentary petrology. ISSN 0022-4472.
Journal of sedimentary research
Formerly known as: Journal of sedimentary research. Section A, resp. Section B.
Read: Journal of sedimentary research online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 66–85 (year 1996–2015). ISSN 1527-1404.
Journal of sedimentary research. Section A, Sedimentary petrology and processes
Continued as: Journal of sedimentary research.
Formerly known as: Journal of sedimentary petrology.
Read: Journal of sedimentary research. Section A online 1994–1995 -
Holdings: 64–65 (year 1994–1995) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of sedimentary research. Section A. ISSN 1073-130X.
Journal of sedimentary research. Section B, Stratigraphy and global studies
Continued as: Journal of sedimentary research.
Formerly known as: Journal of sedimentary petrology.
Read: Journal of sedimentary research. Section B online 1994–1995 -
Holdings: 64–65 (year 1994–1995) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of sedimentary research. Section B. ISSN 1073-1318.
Journal of structural geology
Read: Journal of structural geology online from 1979 to present -
Holdings: 17–23 (year 1995–2001) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of structural geology. ISSN 0191-8141.
Journal of the Czech geological society
Continued as: Journal of Geosciences.
Formerly known as: Casopis pro mineralogii a geologii.
Read: Journal of the Czech Geological Society online 1993–2006 -
Holdings: 39–51 (year 1994–2006) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of the Czech Geological Society. ISSN 1210-8197.
Journal of the Faculty of science, Hokkaido university. Series 4, Geology and mineralogy
Holdings: 11–23 (year 1962–1994) log n to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 4. ISSN 0018-3474.
Journal of the Faculty of science, university of Tokyo. Section 2, Geology, mineralogy, geography, geophysics
Holdings: 10–22 (year 1956–1995) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of the Faculty of science, University of Tokyo. Section 2. ISSN 0368-2250.
Journal of the Geological society (London)
Formerly known as: Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London.
Read: Journal of the Geological Society online from 1845 to present -
Holdings: 127–157 (year 1971–2000). ISSN 0016-7649.
Journal of the Geological society of China
Continued as: Western Pacific earth sciences.
Formerly known as: Proceedings of the Geological Society of China.
Holdings: 35–43 (year 1992–2000) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Journal of the Geological Society of China. ISSN 1018-7057.
Journal of vertebrate paleontology
Read:Journal of vertebrate paleontology online from 2000 to present -
Read: Journal of vertebrate paleontology online from 1981 to present (embargo 3 yrs) -
Holdings: 10:3–22:4 (year 1990–2003) + Supplement. ISSN 0272-4634.
JQS. Journal of quaternary science
Read: JQS online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 1–23 (year 1856–2008) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from JQS. Journal of quaternary science. ISSN 0267-8179.
Holdings: 30 to present (year 1980 to present). ISSN 0449-0576.
KFL rapport
Holdings: 04/0827– present.
Holdings: 1–20 (year 1962–1989) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Krystalinikum. ISSN 0454-5524.
Land degradation & development
Formerly known as: Land degradation & rehabilitation.
Read:Land degradation & development online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 7–13 (year 1996–2002) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Land degradation & development. ISSN 1085-3278.
Land degradation & rehabilitation
Continued as: Land degradation & development.
Holdings: 1–6 (year 1989–1995) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Land degradation & rehabilitation. ISSN 0898-5812.
Lethaia (Oslo)
Read: Lethaia online from 1960 to present -
Holdings: 1 to present (year 1968 to present). ISSN 0024-1164.
Litholund theses
Formerly known as: Lund publications in geology.
Holdings: 1(2003)–. ISSN 1651-6648.
Read: Lithos online from 1968 to present -
Holdings: 34–59 (year 1995–2001) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Lithos. ISSN 0024-4937.
Liverpool and Manchester geological journal
Continued as: Geological journal (Chichester).
Holdings: 1–3 (year 1951–1962/63) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Liverpool and Manchester geological journal. ISSN 0376-0324.
Lund dissertations in sustainability science
Holdings: 1 to present (year 2008 to present).
Lund publications in geology
Continued as: Litholund thesis.
Formerly known as: Publications from the Institutes of mineralogy, paleontology and quaternary geology, University of Lund, Sweden.
Holdings: 1–159 (year 1981–2001) (closed stack). ISSN 0281-1316.
Lund publications in physical geography
Formerly known as: Lund studies in geography. Ser. A, Physical geography.
also preceded by: Reprint from the Dept. of Physical Geography, University of Lund.
Holdings: 1–6 (year 1990–1991) (closed stack). ISSN 1101-704X.
Lund studies in geography. Serie A, Physical geography
Continued as: Lund publications in physical geography.
Holdings: 1–60 (year 1950–1983) (closed stack). ISSN 0076-146X.
Lundqua report
Formerly known as: Report / University of Lund, Department of Quaternary Geology.
Holdings: 24–41 (year 1983–2011). ISSN 0281-3076.
Lundqua thesis
Formerly known as: Thesis / University of Lund, Department of quaternary geology.
Holdings: 12 to present (year 1983 to present). ISSN 0281-3033.
Lundqua uppdrag
Formerly known as: Uppdrag / University of Lund, Department of Quaternary Geology.
Holdings: 6 to present (year 1980 to present). ISSN 1104-8972.
Marine micropaleontology
Read: Marine micropaleontology online from 1976 to present -
Holdings: 25–37 (year 1995–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Marine micropaleontology. ISSN 0377-8398.
Meddelanden från Göteborgs universitets naturgeografiska institution. Ser. A
Formerly known as: Meddelanden från Göteborgs universitets geografiska institutioner.
Ser. A.
Holdings: 11–37 (year 1975–1990) (closed stack). ISSN 0348-9256.
Meddelanden från Lunds geologiska fältklubb. Serie A
Holdings: 1–33 (year 1894–1917) (closed stack).
Meddelanden från Lunds geologiska fältklubb. Serie B
Holdings: 1–10 (1906–1918) (closed stack).
Meddelanden från Lunds geologisk–mineralogiska institution
Continued as: Skrifter från Mineralogisk– och paleontologisk–geologiska Institutionerna, Lund.
Formerly known as: Meddelanden från Lunds Universitets Mineralogiska Institution.
Holdings: 1–114 (year 1901–1949) (closed stack). ISSN 0369-0644.
Meddelanden från Lunds universitets mineralogiska Institution
Continued as: Meddelanden från Lunds Geologisk–Mineralogiska Institution.
Holdings: 1–8 (year 1896–1900) (closed stack).
Meddelanden från Naturgeografiska institutionen vid Stockholms universitet
Holdings: 1–292 (1965–1994) (closed stack). ISSN 0348-9264.
Meddelanden från Stockholms universitets geologiska institution
Continued as: Meddelanden från Stockholms universitets institution för geologi och geokemi.
Holdings: 274–278 (year 1988–1989) (closed stack). ISSN 0280-0535.
Meddelanden från Stockholms universitets institution för geologi och geokemi
Formerly known as: Meddelanden från Stockholms universitets geologiska institution.
Holdings: 279–327 (year 1990–2006). ISSN 1101-1599.
Meddelelse / Norges Svalbard– og Ishavs–undersøkelser
Continued as: Meddelelser / Norsk polarinstitutt.
Holdings: 2–66 (year 1928–1946) (closed stack). ISSN 0803-1894.
Meddelelser / Norsk polarinstitutt
Continued as: Rapportserie / Norsk Polarinstitutt.
Formerly known as: Meddelelse / Norges Svalbard– og Ishavs–undersökelser.
Holdings: 69–138 (year 1952–1995) (closed stack). ISSN 0373-5605.
Meddelelser fra Dansk geologisk forening
Continued as: Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark.
Read: Meddelelser fra Dansk Geologisk Forening online 1894–1969 -
Holdings: 1–19 (year 1894–1969) (closed stack). ISSN 0105-1040.
Meddelelser fra Skalling–laboratoriet
Holdings: 1–38 (year 1935–2002). ISSN 0105-2306.
Meddelelser om Grönland
Continued as: Meddelelser om Grönland. Geoscience.
Holdings: 1(1879)–206 (year 1879–1983) (closed stack). ISSN 0025-6676.
Meddelelser om Grønland. Geoscience
Formerly known as: Meddelelser om Grönland.
Holdings: 1 to present (year 1979 to present). ISSN 0106-1046.
Memoir / Geological society of America
Holdings: 1 to present (year 1934 to present). ISSN 0072-1069.
Memoir / Geological survey (South Africa)
Holdings: 26(year 1928), 32(year 1938), 43–85 (year 1949–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Memoir / Geological Survey.
Memoir / Paleontological society
Read: Memoir / Paleontological Society online from 1968 to present (embargo 5 years) -
Holdings: 7 to present (year 1975 to present). ISSN 0078-8597
Memoir of the Geological society of China
Holdings: 1–9 (year 1962–1987) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Memoir of the Geological Society of China.
Mesozoic research
Holdings: 1–2 (year 1987–1988) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Mesozoic research. ISSN 0920-4989.
Holdings: 1–58 (year 1952–2006). ISSN 0076-7689.
Read: Micropaleontology online from 1955 to present - ISSN 0026-2803.
Mineralium deposita
Read: Mineralium deposita online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 32–34 (year 1997–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Mesozoic research. ISSN 0026-4598.
Mineralogical magazine
Formerly known as: Mineralogical magazine and journal of the Mineralogical society.
Read: Mineralogical magazine online from 2017 to present -
Read: Mineralogical magazine online 1969–1999 -
Holdings: 37–68 (year 1969–2004) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Mineralogical magazine. ISSN 0026-461X.
Mineralogical magazine and journal of the Mineralogical society
Continued as: Mineralogical magazine.
Read: Mineralogical magazine and journal of the Mineralogical Society online 1876–1969 -
Holdings: 31–36 (year 1958–1968) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Mineralogical magazine and journal of the Mineralogical Society. ISSN 0369-0148.
Mineralogy and petrology
Read: Mineralogy and petrology online from 1987 to present -
Holdings: 59–73 (year 1997–2001) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Mineralogy and petrology. ISSN 0930-0708.
Mitteilungen aus dem Geologischen institut der Universität Hannover
Holdings: 19–38 (year 1981–1998) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Mitteilungen aus dem Geologischen Institut der Universität Hannover.
Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch–paläontologischen institut der Universität Hamburg
Formerly known as: Mitteilungen aus dem Geologischen Staatsinstitut in Hamburg.
Holdings: 38 to present (year 1969 to present). ISSN 0072-1115.
Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für naturkunde in Berlin. Geowissenschaftliche reihe
Continued as: Fossil Record.
Read: Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin. Geowissenschaftliche Reihe online 1998–2005 -
Holdings: 1–4 (year 1998–2001) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin. Geowissenschaftliche Reihe. ISSN 1435-1943.
Mitteilungen der Bayerischen staatssammlung für paläontologie und historische geologie
Holdings: 1–34 (year 1961–1994) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Historische Geologie. ISSN 0077-2070.
Monograph of the Palaeontographical society
Formerly known as: Palaeontographical Society monographs.
Read: Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society online from 2013 to present -
Holdings: 561 to present (year 1981 to present). ISSN 0269-3445.
Monthly weather review
Read: Monthly weather review online from 1872 to present -
Holdings: 108–141 (year 1980–2013). ISSN 0027-0520.
National geographic
Read: National geographic online from 2005 to present -
Holdings: 133 to present (year 1968 to present). ISSN 0027-9358.
Nature (London)
Read: Nature online from 1950 - ISSN 0028-0836.
Nature climate change
Read: Nature climate change online from 2007 to present - ISSN 1758-6798.
Nature geoscience
Read: Nature Geoscience online from 2008 to present - ISSN 1752-0908.
Naturskyddsföreningens temabok (Årets bok från Naturskyddsföreningen)
Formerly known as: Årsbok / Naturskyddsföreningen.
Holdings: 99 to present (year 2008 to present). ISSN 2000-9615.
Neues jahrbuch für geologie und paläontologie. Abhandlungen
Holdings: 92–234 (year 1950–2004) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie. Abhandlungen. ISSN 0077-7749.
Neues jahrbuch für geologie und paläontologie. Monatshefte
Holdings: 1950–2004 log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie. Monatshefte. ISSN 0028-3630.
Neues jahrbuch für mineralogie. Abhandlungen
Holdings: 81–180 (year 1950–2004) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie. Abhandlungen. ISSN 0077-7757.
Neues jahrbuch für mineralogie. Monatshefte
Holdings: 1950–2004 log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie. Monatshefte. ISSN 0028-3649.
New Mexico geology
Read: New Mexico geology online from 1979 to present -
Holdings: 1–30:4 (year 1979–2008). ISSN 0196-948X
New Zealand journal of geology and geophysics
Read: New Zealand journal of geology and geophysics online from 1958 to present -
Holdings: 1–36 (year 1958–1993) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from New Zealand journal of geology and geophysics. ISSN 0028-8306.
NGU Bulletin
Formerly known as: Bulletin / Norges Geologiske Undersökelse.
Read: NGU Bulletin online from 2003 to present - ISSN 1894-7913.
Nordic volcanological institute / University of Iceland
Holdings: 9301–9505 (year 1993–1995) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Nordic Volcanological Institute. ISSN 0258-7718.
Norges geologiske undersøkelse (Årbok)
Continued as: Bulletin / Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse och Skrifter / Norges geologiske undersøkelse.
Holdings: 1–271 (year 1890–1971) (closed stack). ISSN 0801-6755.
Norsk geografisk tidsskrift / Norwegian Journal of Geography
Read: Norwegian Journal of Geography online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 1–67:5 (year 1926/27–2013). ISSN 0029-1951.
Norsk geologisk tidsskrift / Norwegian journal of geology
Read: Norwegian journal of geology online from 1905 to present -
Holdings: 1 to present (year 1905 to present). ISSN 0029-196X
Notiser och preliminära rapporter. Serie hydrologi
Continued as: SMHI rapporter. Hydrologi och oceanografi.
Holdings: 1–30 (year 1963–1973) (closed stack). ISSN 0586-1659.
Ocean dynamics
Formerly known as: Deutsche hydrographische Zeitschrift.
Read: Ocean Dynamics online from 2001 to present - ISSN 1616-7228.
Oil shale
Formerly known as: Gorjucie slancy.
Read: Oil shale online from 1999 to present -
Holdings: 8–11 (year 1991–1994) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Oil shale.
Pages (Bern)
Continued as: Past global changes magazine.
Holdings: 18–21 (year 2010–2013). ISSN 1563-0803.
Palaeobiodiversity and palaeoenvironments
Formerly known as: Senckenbergiana Lethaea.
Read: Palaeobiodiversity and palaeoenvironments online from 1998 to present -
Holdings: 89 to present (year 2009 to present). ISSN 1867-1608.
Holdings: 1–3 (year 1994–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Palaeoclimates. ISSN 1063-7176.
Palaeoecology of Africa and of the surrounding islands and Antarctica
Continued as: Palaeoecology of Africa and the surrounding islands.
Holdings: 1–9 (year 1966–1976) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Palaeoecology of Africa and of the surrounding islands and Antarctica. ISSN 0078-8538.
Palaeoecology of Africa and the surrounding islands
Formerly known as: Palaeoecology of Africa and of the surrounding islands and Antarctica.
Holdings: 10–26 (year 1978–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0168-6208.
Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology
Read: Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology online from 1975 to present -
Holdings: 113–179 (year 1995–2001) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology. ISSN 0031-0182.
Palaeontographica Canadiana
Holdings: 1–32 (year 1983–2012). ISSN 0821-7556.
Palaeontographical society monographs
Continued as: Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society.
Holdings: 509–560 (year 1966–1981) (closed stack). ISSN 0376-2734.
Palaeontologia Polonica
Read: Palaeontologia Polonica online from 1929 to present -
Holdings: 1–66 (year 1929–2011). ISSN 0078-8562
Read: Palaeontology online from 1999 to present -
Holdings: 1–50 (year 1957–2007) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Palaeontology. ISSN 0031-0239.
Palaeopelagos. Special publication
Holdings: 1–4 (year 1994–2002) (closed stack). ISSN 1123-301X.
Holdings: 1–28:3 (year 1967–2009). ISSN 0883-1351.
Continued as: Paleoceanography and paleoclimatology.
Read: Paleoceanography online 1986–2017 -
Holdings: 1–20 (year 1986–2005) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Paleoceanography. ISSN 0883-8305.
Paleoceanography and paleoclimatology
Formerly known as: Paleoceanography.
Read: Paleoceanography and paleoclimatology online from 2018 to present - ISSN 2572-4525.
Paleopelagos (Roma)
Holdings: 1–7 (year 1991–1997) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Paleopelagos. ISSN 1121-1393.
Palynologie. Bibliographie
Holdings: 1–3 (year 1956–1959) (closed stack). ISSN 049-72823,
Holdings: 1, 6–16, 18–20, 23–25, 27 (year 1991–1998) (closed stack). ISSN 0930-4673.
Paläontologische zeitschrift, PalZ
Read: Paläontologische Zeitschrift online from 1914 to present -
Holdings: 1 to present (year 1913/14 to present). ISSN 0031-0220.
Papers in palaeontology
Formerly known as: Special papers in palaeontology
Read: Papers in palaeontology online from 2015 to present -
Holdings: 1 to present (year 2015 to present). ISSN 2056-2799.
Past global changes magazine
Formerly known as: Pages (Bern).
Holdings: 22 to present (year 2014 to present). ISSN 2411-605X.
Permafrost and periglacial processes
Read: Permafrost and periglacial processes online from 1996 to present -
Holdings: 1–10 (year 1990–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Permafrost and periglacial processes. ISSN 1045-6740.
Photogrammetric engineering
Continued as: Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing.
Holdings: 6–40 (year 1940–1974) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Photogrammetric engineering. ISSN 0031-8671.
Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing
Formerly known as: Photogrammetric engineering.
Holdings: 41–66 (year 1974–2000) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing. ISSN 0099-1112.
Physical geography
Read: Physical geography online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 2–35 (year 1981–2013). ISSN 0272-3646
Physics and chemistry of minerals
Read: Physics and chemistry of minerals online from 1977 to present -
Holdings: 24–27 (year 1997–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Physics and chemistry of minerals. ISSN 0342-1791.
Physics and chemistry of the earth
Continued partly by: Physics and chemistry of the earth. Part A, Solid earth and geodesy.
Read: Physics and chemistry of the earth online 1956–1998 -
Holdings: 20–23 (year 1995–1998) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Physics and chemistry of the earth. ISSN 0079-1946.
Physics and chemistry of the earth. Part A, Solid earth and geodesy
Formerly known as: Physics and chemistry of the earth.
Read: Physics and chemistry of the earth. Part A online 1999–2001 -
Holdings: 24–25 (year 1999–2000) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Physics and chemistry of the earth. Part A. ISSN 1464-1895 .
Physische geographie
Holdings: 8–30 (year 1982–1989), gaps: 16,23,27, log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Physische Geographie.
Polar geography and geology
Continued as: Polar geography (1995).
Formerly known as: Polar geography.
Holdings: 4–6 (year 1980–1982) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Polar geography and geology. ISSN 0273-8457.
Polar research
Read: Polar research online from 1982 to present -
Holdings: 1–2 (year 1982); N.S. 1–29 (year 1983–2010). ISSN 0800-0395.
Polarforschung (Bremerhaven)
Read: Polarforschung online from 1931 to present -
Holdings: 1–77 (year 1931–2007) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Polarforschung. ISSN 0032-2490.
Pollen et spores
Holdings: 1–31 (year 1959–1989). ISSN 0375-9636.
Populär arkeologi
Holdings: the last eight years. 0281-014X
Precambrian research
Read: Precambrian research online from 1974 to present -
Holdings: 70–112 (year 1995–2001) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Precambrian research. ISSN 0301-9268.
Proceedings of the Geological society of China
Continued as: Journal of the Geological Society of China.
Holdings: 1–34 (year 1957–1991) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Proceedings of the Geological Society of China. ISSN 0431-2155.
Proceedings of the ocean drilling program. Initial reports
Formerly known as: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. Part A, Initial Report.
Read: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. Initial reports online 1997–2007 -
Holdings: 205–206 (year 2003) (closed stack). ISSN 1096-2522.
Proceedings of the ocean drilling program. Part A, Initial report
Continued as: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. Initial Report.
Formerly known as: Initial report of the Deep Sea Drilling Project.
Read: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. Part A, Initial report online 1997–2007 -
Holdings: 101–162 (year 1986–1996) (closed stack). ISSN 0884-5883.
Proceedings of the ocean drilling program. Scientific results
Read: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. Scientific results online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 101–149 (year 1986–1996) (closed stack). ISSN 0884-5891.
Progress in physical geography
Read: Progress in physical geography online from 1977 to present -
Holdings: 1–31 (year 1977–2007) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Progress in physical geography. ISSN 0309-1333.
Publ. A / Chalmers tekniska högskola, Geologiska institutionen
Formerly known as: Chalmers tekniska högskola, Göteborgs universitet, Geologiska institutionen. A.
Holdings: 77–106 (year 1994–2003) (closed stack). ISSN 1104-9839.
Publication / International union of geological sciences
Holdings: 1–15 (year 1980–1983) (closed stack). ISSN 0254-2897.
Publications from the Institutes of mineralogy, paleontology and quaternary geology / University of Lund, Sweden
Continued as: Lund publications in geology.
Formerly known as: Skrifter från Mineralogisk– och paleontologisk–geologiska Institutionerna, Lund
Holdings: 36–243 (year 1956–1981) (closed stack). ISSN 0458-4732.
Quarterly journal of the Geological society of London
Continued as: Journal of the Geological Society (London).
Holdings: 1–126 (year 1845–1970) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London. ISSN 0370-291X.
Quarterly journal of the Royal meteorological society
Read: Quarterly journal of the Royal Meteorological Society online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 55–125 (year 1929–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Quarterly journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. ISSN 0035-9009.
Quaternaria. Ser. A
Holdings: 1–5 (year 1995–1998) (closed stack). ISSN 1400-3767.
Quaternary international
Read: Quaternary international online from 1989 to present -
Holdings: 1–86 (year 1989–2001) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Quaternary international. ISSN 1040-6182.
Quaternary research
Read:Quaternary research online from 1970 to present -
Holdings: 43–50 (year 1995–1998) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Quaternary research. ISSN 0033-5894.
Quaternary science reviews
Read: Quaternary science reviews online from 1982 to present -
Holdings: 14–20 (year 1995–2001) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Quaternary science reviews. ISSN 0277-3791.
Quaternary studies in Poland
Continued as: Studia Quaternaria.
Holdings: 1–14 (year 1979–1997) (closed stack). ISSN 0137-9798.
Formerly known as: American journal of sicence. Radiocarbon supplement
Read: Radiocarbon online from 1959 to present -
Holdings: 3 to present (year 1961 to present). ISSN 0033-8222
Rapport / Danmarks geologiske undersøgelse
Holdings: 1–13 (year 1968–1985). ISSN 0011-6114.
Rapport / Grønlands geologiske undersøgelse (1964)
Merged with: Geology of Greenland survey bulletin
Holdings: 1–164 (year 1964–1994). ISSN 0418-6559.
Rapport / Statens geotekniska institut
Holdings: 1–58 (year 1977–2000) (closed stack). ISSN 0348-0755.
Rapporter från Institutionen för naturgeografi och kvartärgeologi. Sthlms univ.
Formerly known as: Forskningsrapport / Department of Physical Geography, Stockholms universitet
Holdings: 1 to present (year 2002 to present). ISSN 1651-1506.
Rapporter och meddelanden / Sveriges geologiska undersökning
Continued as: Geokemiska kartan.
Holdings: 1 to present (year 1931 to present). ISSN 0349-2176
Rapporter och notiser / Lunds universitets naturgeografiska institution
Continued as: Lund electronic reports in physical geography.
Holdings: 1–78 (year 1967–1993). ISSN 0348-3339.
Rapportserie / Norsk polarinstitutt
Formerly known as: Meddeleser / och Skrifter / Norsk Polarinstitutt.
Holdings: 117–120 (year 2002), 125 to present (year 2005 to present). ISSN 0803-0421.
Remote sensing of environment
Read: Remote sensing of environment online from 1982 to present -
Holdings: 51–79 (year 1995–2002) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Remote sensing of environment. ISSN 0034-4257.
Report / Department of meteorology, University of Stockholm. AP
Formerly known as: Report / Institute of meteorology, University of Stockholm, International meteorological institute in Stockholm. AP.
Holdings: 17–42 (year 1977–2005). ISSN 0280-4441.
Report / Department of meteorology, University of Stockholm. DM
Formerly known as: Report / Institute of Meteorology, University of Stockholm, International Meteorological Institute in Stockholm. DM.
Holdings: 12–95 (year 1974–2005). ISSN 0349-0467.
Report / Institute of meteorology, University of Stockholm, International meteorological institute in Stockholm. AP
Continued as: Report / Department of Meteorology, University of Stockholm. AP.
Holdings: 6–16 (year 1971–1974) (closed stack).
Report / Institute of meteorology, University of Stockholm, International meteorological institute in Stockholm. DM
Continued as: Report / Department of Meteorology, University of Stockholm. DM.
Holdings: 6–11 (year 1972–1974) (closed stack).
Report / University of Lund, Department of quaternary geology
Continued as: Lundqua report.
Holdings: 1–23 (year 1972–1982) (closed stack). ISSN 0348-1204.
Report / University of Stockholm, Department of quaternary research
Holdings: 1–23 (year 1982–1993) (closed stack). ISSN 0280-317.
Reprint from the Department of physical geography, University of Lund
Continued as: Lund publications in physical geography.
Holdings: 1–24 (year 1979–1989) (closed stack). ISSN 0349-8425.
Review of palaeobotany and palynology
Read:Review of palaeobotany and palynology online from 1967 to present -
Holdings: 85–107 (year 1995–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Review of palaeobotany and palynology. ISSN 0034-6667.
Reviews in mineralogy
Continued as: Reviews in mineralogy and geochemistry.
Read:Reviews in mineralogy online 1982–1999 -
Holdings: 1–38 (year 1982–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0275-0279.
Reviews in mineralogy and geochemistry
Formerly known as: Reviews in mineralogy.
Read: Reviews in mineralogy and geochemistry online from 2000 to present -
Holdings: 39 to present (year 2000 to present). ISSN 1529-6466.
Revue de géomorphologie dynamique
Holdings: 1–39 (year 1850–1990) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Revue de géomorphologie dynamique. ISSN 0556-7432.
Revue roumaine de géologie, géophysique et géographie. Série de géographie
Continued as: Revue roumaine de géographie.
Formerly known as: Revue de géologie et de géographie.
Holdings: 8–32 (year 1964–1988) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Revue roumaine de géologie, géophysique et géographie. Série de géographie. ISSN 0556-8099.
Schweizerische mineralogische und petrographische mitteilungen
Holdings: 5–6, 9–79 (year 1925–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Schweizerische mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen. ISSN 0036-7699.
Read: Science online from 1997 to present -
Read: Science online from 1880 to present (embargo 5 yrs) - ISSN 0036-8075.
Scientific monthly
Read: Scientific monthly online from 1915 to 1957 - ISSN 0096-3771.
Scientific results / Norwegian–British–Swedish antarctic expedition, 1949–52; publ. by Norsk polarinstitutt
Holdings: 1–6 (year 1958–1963) (closed stack).
Scottish journal of geology
Holdings: 1–29 (year 1965–1993) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Scottish journal of geology. ISSN 0036-9276.
Scripta geologica
Read: Scripta geologica online 1971 to 2015 -
Holdings: 1–103, 105 (year 1971–1994) (closed stack). ISSN 0375-7587.
Sedimentary geology
Read: Sedimentary geology online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 95–145 (year 1995–2001) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Sedimentary geology. ISSN 0037-0738.
Sedimentology : journal of the International association of sedimentologists
Read: Sedimentology online from 1962 to present -
Holdings: 44–52 (year 1997–2005) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Sedimentology. ISSN 0037-0746.
Continued partly by: Senckenbergiana Lethaea.
Holdings: 1–34 (year 1919–1954) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Senckenbergiana. ISSN 0341-4078.
Senckenbergiana lethaea
Continued as: Palaeobiodiversity and palaeoenvironments.
Formerly known as: Senckenbergiana.
Read: Senckenbergiana Lethaea online 1976–2008 -
Holdings: 35–88 (year 1955–2008) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Senckenbergiana Lethaea. ISSN 0037-2110.
SGU serie K
Holdings: 1 to present (year 2005 to present). ISSN 1652-8336.
SGU series C. Research papers
Formerly known as: Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Serie C, Avhandlingar och uppsatser.
Holdings: 826 to present (year 1992 to present). ISSN 1103-3371.
SGU series Ca. Research papers
Formerly known as: Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Serie Ca, Avhandlingar och uppsatser.
Holdings: 53:1–2, 80–89 (year 1997–1998, 1992–1999). ISSN 1103-3363.
Skrifter / Norges geologiske undersøkelse
Formerly known as: Norges geologiske undersökelse.
Continued as: Gråsteinen (Trondheim).
Holdings: 1–48 (year 1972–1983) see: Norges geol. unders. Nr. 272–393. 49–117 (year 1984–1995). ISSN 0377-8894.
Skrifter / Norges Svalbard– og ishavs–undersøkelser
Continued as: Skrifter / Norsk Polarinstitutt.
Formerly known as: Skrifter om Svalbard og Ishavet.
Holdings: 82–89 (year 1941–1947). ISSN 0802-1511.
Skrifter / Norsk polarinstitutt
Continued as: Rapportserie / Norks Polarinstitutt.
Formerly known as: Skrifter / Norges Svalbard– og ishavs–undersögelser.
Holdings: 90–201 (year 1948–2004). ISSN 0369-5417.
Skrifter från mineralogisk– och paleontologisk–geologiska Institutionerna, Lund
Continued as: Publications from the Institutes of mineralogy, paleontology and quaternary geology, University of Lund, Sweden.
Formerly known as: Meddelanden från Lunds Geologisk–Mineralogiska Institution.
Holdings: 1–35 (year 1948–1957) (closed stack).
Skrifter om Svalbard og Ishavet
Continued as: Skrifter - Norges Svalbard- og ishavs-undersögelser.
Holdings: 1–81 (year 1929–1940) (closed stack). ISSN 0802-1503.
Skånes naturskyddsförenings årsberättelse
Continued as: Skånes natur (Årsbok).
Holdings: 1910/1911–1916/1917.
SMHI / Månadens väder och vatten i Sverige
Formerly known as: SMHI / Väder och vatten.
Read: SMHI / Månadens väder och vatten i Sverige online from 2012 to present -
Holdings: 1984–2011:2.
SMHI / Väder och vatten
Continued as: SMHI / Månadens väder och vatten i Sverige.
Formerly known as: Årsbok / Sveriges meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut. Del 1. Månadsöversikt över väderlek och vattentillgång.
Read: SMHI / Väder och vatten online from 2004 to 2011 -
Holdings: 1984–2011:2. ISSN 0281-9619.
SMHI rapporter. Hydrologi och oceanografi
Continued as: SMHI reports. Hydrology.
Formerly known as: Notiser och preliminära rapporter. Serie hydrologi.
Holdings: 7–24, 29–40 (year 1976–1985) (closed stack). ISSN 0347-7827.
SMHI rapporter. Hydrologi och oceanografi
Continued as: SMHI reports. Hydrology.
Formerly known as: Notiser och preliminära rapporter. Serie hydrologi.
Holdings: 1–6:2 (year 1974–1976) (closed stack). ISSN 0347-7827.
SMHI Rapporter. Meteorologi och klimatologi
Formerly known as: Notiser och preliminära rapporter. Serie meteorologi.
Holdings: 1–109 (year 1974–2006). ISSN 0347-2116.
SMHI reports. Hydrology
Formerly known as: SMHI rapporter. Hydrologi och oceanografi.
Holdings: 1–20 (year 1990–2006). ISSN 0283-1104.
Smithsonian contributions to paleobiology
Read: Smithsonian contributions to paleobiology online from 2015 to present -
Read: Smithsonian contributions to paleobiology online 1969–2011 -
Holdings: 2 to present (year 1969 to present). ISSN 0081-0266.
Småskrifter / Norges geologiske undersøkelse
Holdings: 1–9 (year 1922–1968) (closed stack).
Society of Vertebrate paleontology memoir
Read: Society of Vertebrate Paleontology memoir online 1962 to present (embargo 3 yrs) -
Holdings: 1–5 (year 1991–1998). ISSN 1062-161X.
Soil biology & biochemistry
Read: Soil biology & biochemistry online from 1969 to present -
Holdings: 1–33 (year 1969–2001) (closed stack). ISSN 0038-0717.
Special paper / Geological Society of America
Holdings: 1 to present (year 1934 to present). ISSN 0072-1077.
Special papers in palaeontology
Continued as: Papers in palaeontology.
Read: Special papers in palaeontology online 1967–2003 -
Holdings: 1–92 year (1967–2014). ISSN 0038-6804.
Special publication / Norges geologiske undersøkelse
Holdings: 1–14 (year 1987–2014). ISSN 0801-5961.
Special publication / Society for sedimentary geology
Formerly known as: Special publication / Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists.
Holdings: 45–105 (year 1991–2014), gaps: 77,84,99,104. ISSN 1060-071X.
Special publication / Society of economic paleontologists and mineralogists
Continued as: Special publication / Society for Sedimentary Geology.
Holdings: 2–44 (year 1951–1989). ISSN 0097-3270.
State of food and agriculture
Read: State of food and agriculture online from 1947 to present - ISSN 0081-4539.
State of the world
Holdings: 1992–1994, 1997–1999, 2001, 2003, 2005–2017. ISSN 0887-364X.
State of the world's forests
Read: State of the world's forests online from 1995 to present - ISSN 1020-5705.
Statistical yearbook / United Nations
Read: Statistical yearbook / United Nations online from 1948 to present - ISSN 0082-8459.
Stockholm contributions in geology
Holdings: 2–46 (year 1958/59–1998). ISSN 0585-3532.
Read: Stratigraphy online from 2004 to present - ISSN 1547-139X.
Holdings: 1–38 (year 1975–1988). ISSN 0345-0074.
Studia geologica Polonica
Read: Studia geologica Polonica online 2004–2014 -
Holdings: 2–137 (year 1959–2014), gap: 136. ISSN 0081-6426.
Studia quaternaria
Formerly known as: Quaternary studies in Poland.
Read: Studia Quaternaria online from 2000 to present -
Holdings: 17–18 (year 2000–2001). ISSN 1641-5558.
Svensk geografisk årsbok
Formerly known as: Årsbok / Sydsvenska geografiska sällskapet i Lund.
Holdings: 1927– present. ISSN 0081-9808.
Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Cb, Geofysiska meddelanden
Formerly known as: Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Serie Cb, Jordmagnetiska publikationer.
Holdings: 23–33 (year 1999–2005). ISSN 1404-5168.
Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Serie Ab, Kartblad i skalan 1:200 000 med beskrifningar
Holdings: 1–5 (year 1877–1893).
Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Serie Ac, Kartblad i skalan 1:100 000 med beskrifningar
Holdings: 1–8 (year 1902–1904).
Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Serie Ae, Jordartssgeologiska kartblad skala 1:50000
Continued as: SGU serie K.
Holdings: 1964–2004. ISSN 0586-1535.
Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Serie Af, Berggrundsgeologiska och geofysiska kartblad skala 1:50000
Continued as: SGU serie K.
Holdings: 1967–2004. ISSN 0586-1543.
Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Serie Ah, Hydrogeologiska översiktskartor i skala 1:250000
Continued as: SGU serie K.
Holdings: 1981–2004. ISSN 0280-0527.
Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Serie Ai, Geofysiska översiktskartor
Continued as: SGU serie K.
Holdings: 1982–2004.
Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Serie Ak, Kvartärgeologiska kartan
Continued as: SGU serie K.
Holdings: 1985–2004. ISSN 0284-0456.
Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Serie Am, Maringeologiska kartan
Continued as: SGU serie K.
Holdings: 1986–2004. ISSN 0283-9458.
Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Serie Ba, Översiktskartor med beskrivningar
Continued as: SGU serie K.
Holdings: 1984:4–2004. ISSN 0373-2657.
Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Serie C, Avhandlingar och uppsatser
Continued as: SGU series C. Research papers.
Holdings: 1–825 (year 1868–1992). ISSN 0082-0024.
Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Serie Ca, Avhandlingar och uppsatser
Continued as: SGU series Ca. Research papers.
Holdings: 1–79 (year 1900–1991). ISSN 0082-0024.
Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Serie Cb, Jordmagnetiska publikationer
Continued as: Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Cb, Geofysiska meddelanden.
Holdings: 21–23 (year 1976–1992). ISSN 0281-1049.
Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Serie D, Torvmarkskartor med beskrivningar
Holdings: 32/33, 34,41/51/61, 42, 43, 44/45, 52, 53/54 (year 1921–1923).
Sveriges natur (tidskrift)
Read: Sveriges natur online 1910–1935 -
Holdings: 66 to present (year 1975 to present). ISSN 0039-6974.
Read: Tectonics online from 1982 to present -
Holdings: 1–24 (year 1982–2005). ISSN 0278-7407.
Read: Tectonophysics online 1964 to present -
Holdings: 241–329 (year 1995–2000) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Tectonophysics. ISSN 0040-1951.
Terra abstracts
Holdings: 1–10 (year 1989–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0954-4887.
Terra Antartica
Holdings: 1 to present (year 1994 to present). ISSN 1122-8628.
Terra Antartica reports
Holdings: 1 to present (year 1998 to present).
Terra nova
Read: Terra nova online from 1989 to present -
Holdings: 9–17 (year 1997–2005) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Terra Nova. ISSN 0954-4879.
Theoretical and applied climatology
Read: Theoretical and applied climatology online from 1948 to present -
Holdings: 56–64 (year 1997–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Theoretical and applied climatology. ISSN 0177-798X.
Thesis / University of Lund, Department of quaternary geology
Continued as: Lundqua thesis.
Holdings: 1–11 (year 1973–1982). ISSN 0346-8976.
Transactions (Doklady) of the U.S.S.R. Academy of sciences: Earth science sections
Formerly known as: Doklady / Earth science section.
Holdings: 280–333 (year 1985–1993) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Transactions (Doklady) of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences: Earth science sections. ISSN 0891-5571.
Travaux du laboratoire de géologie de la Faculté des sciences de Grenoble
Continued as: Géologie alpine (Grenoble).
Read: Travaux du Laboratoire de géologie de la Faculté des Sciences de Grenoble online 1959–1965 -
Holdings: 35–41 (year 1959–1965) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Travaux du Laboratoire de géologie de la Faculté des Sciences de Grenoble. ISSN 0371-9103.
Treatise on invertebrate paleontology
Holdings: 1953 to present.
Tree–ring bulletin
Continued as: Tree–ring research.
Read: Tree–ring bulletin online 1972–2000 -
Holdings: 32–56 (year 1972–2000) (closed stack). ISSN 0041-2198.
Tree–ring research
Formerly known as: Tree–ring bulletin.
Read: Tree–ring research online 2001–2014 -
Holdings: 57–70 (year 2001–2014), gap: 64. ISSN 1536-1098.
Tromura. Naturvitenskap
Holdings: 4–84 (year 1980–1999) (closed stack). ISSN 0332-6195.
Tutkimusraportti / Geologian tutkimuskeskus
Formerly known as: Tutkimusraportti / Geologinen tutkimuslaitos.
Read: Tutkimusraportti / Geologian tutkimuskeskus online 1984–2017 -
Holdings: 63–158 (year 1984–2005) (closed stack). ISSN 0781-4240.
Tutkimusraportti / Geologinen tutkimuslaitos
Continued as: Tutkimusraportti / Geologian tutkimuskeskus.
Read: Tutkimusraportti / Geologinen tutkimuslaitos online 1975–1983 -
Holdings: 1–61 (year 1967–1983) (closed stack). ISSN 0430-5124.
Tübinger mikropaläontologische mitteilungen
Holdings: 1–16 (year 1983–1998) (closed stack). ISSN 0937-373X.
U.S. Geological survey professional paperi
Holdings: by selection –2007. ISSN 1044-9612.
UNGI rapport
Holdings: 1–90 (year 1969–1995) (closed stack). ISSN 0375-8109.
University of California publications in geological sciences
Read: University of California publications in geological sciences online 2004 to present -
Holdings: 1–145 (year 1893/96–2000) (closed stack). ISSN 0068-645X.
Uppdrag / University of Lund, Department of quaternary geology
Continued as: Lundqua uppdrag.
Holdings: 1–5 (year 1973–1979) (closed stack). ISSN 0348-8942.
UUDMP research report
Holdings: 1–68 (year 1978–1991) (closed stack). ISSN 0348-1336.
V, W
Read: Weather online from 1997 to present -
Holdings: 4–73 (year 1949–2018), supplement 1 70(2015). ISSN 0043-1656.
Vegetation history and archaeobotany
Read: Vegetation history and archaeobotany online from 1992 to present -
Holdings: 1–10 (year 1992–2001) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Vegetation history and archaeobotany. ISSN 0939-6314.
Vejret (København)
Holdings: 11 to present (year 1989 to present). ISSN 0106-5025.
Western Pacific earth sciences
Formerly known as: Journal of the Geological Society of China.
Holdings: 1 (year 2001) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Western Pacific earth sciences. ISSN 1609-901X.
Vital signs
Read: Vital signs online from 1996 to present - ISSN 1075-0576.
WMO bulletin
Read: WMO Bulletin online from 2007 to present -
Holdings: 10 to present (year 1961 to present). ISSN 0042-9767.
World development report
Read: World development report online from 1978 to present - ISSN 0163-5085.
World energy outlook
Read:World energy outlook online from 1999 to present -
Holdings: 2015–2017. ISSN 1026-1141.
World guide (Oxford)
Holdings: 1997/98, 2003–2007. ISSN 1460-4809.
Worldwatch paper
Continued as: Worldwatch report.
Holdings: 134, 136–137, 141–142, 145–146, 148, 169–172 (year 1997–1999, 2003–2006). ISSN 0270-8019
Worldwatch report
Formerly known as: Worldwatch paper.
Holdings: 173–188 (year 2007–2012).
Holdings: 1 to present (year 1881 to present). ISSN 0044-0477.
Zeitschrift der Deutschen geologischen gesellschaft
Holdings: 1–150 (year 1849–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft. ISSN 0012-0189.
Zeitschrift für geomorphologie
Holdings: 1–11 (year 1925–1943). N.F. 1–43 (year 1957–1999) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie. ISSN 0372-8854.
Zeitschrift für geomorphologie. Supplementband
Holdings: 1–140 (year 1960–2005) (closed stack). ISSN 0044-2798.
Zeitschrift für gletscherkunde und glazialgeologie
Holdings: 1–27/28 (year 1949/50–1991/92) log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie. ISSN 0044-2836.
Zürcher klima–schriften
Formerly known as: Zürcher geographische Schriften.
Holdings: 75–84 (year 1999–2006) (closed stack).
Årbog / Danmarks geologiske undersøgelse
Holdings: 1972–1982 (year 1973–1983). ISSN 0105-063X.
Årbok / Norsk polarinstitutt
Holdings: 1960–1976. ISSN 0085-4271.
Årsbok / Naturskyddsföreningen
Continued as: Naturskyddsföreningens temabok.
Holdings: 86–98 (year 1995–2007). ISSN 1401-0054.
Årsbok / Statens meteorologisk-hydrografiska anstalt. [Del 1–6]
Holdings: 1919–1963 (closed stack).
Årsbok / Sveriges meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut. Del 1, Månadsöversikt över väderlek och vattentillgång.
Continued as: Väder och vatten.
Holdings: 46–65 (year 1966–1983) (closed stack). ISSN 0491-774X.
Årsbok / Sydsvenska geografiska sällskapet i Lund
Continued as: Svensk geografisk årsbok.
Holdings: 1925–1926.
Årsskrift / Dansk geologisk forening
Read: Årsskrift / Dansk Geologisk Forening online 1969–1991 -
Holdings: 1970–1990/1991. ISSN 0420-1132.
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- ‘Closed stack’ indicates that a print journal is in the library’s store. Tell us which volume or issue of a journal you want and we will fetch it for you.
- [ ] indicates information intended for library staff use only.
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